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Who We Are

Marble Surface

Doris Coakley



Tamara Goines

Chief Executive Officer


Grace Evans

Chief Operating Officer


Diana Neal

Vice President of Finance


Deborah Mitchell

Vice President of Media

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Board Member



Board Member

Our History

We are a united group of Christian Women from various denominational backgrounds, who come together and offer up our firstfruits unto God.  We continuously seek the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and the Word of God before starting our day.  We put on the whole armor of God.  We cover our homes, family, and loved ones with the Blood of Jesus Christ.  We stand in the gap with one another in agreement to receive all that Jesus paid the price for us to have - Life more abundantly.


In 2001, there was a desire for stay-home moms to pray together thus Female Fellowship was born. Nine years later in 2010, God called us to another level and we became Women of Virtue.


Now in 2020, He is teaching us to rule and reign and has elevated us to Warrior Queens.  Warrior Queens encompasses females, fellowshipping as virtuous women, warring in the spirit, breaking bondages, and setting captives free.  We have been given access and are seated in heavenly places far above all rule, power, authority, and dominion.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.                                                                    Jeremiah 29:11

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